Wednesday, March 13, 2013

standards-based assessment

Standards-Based Grading is a trend in education gaining more and more traction in schools. Many schools and districts are moving toward this system of grading, which references student achievement to specific standards within each subject area. This system utilizes backwards design to create assessment opportunities and then plan instruction to build student learning towards mastery of the standards. Below are some resources to get you started thinking about standards-based assessment if your PLC, school, or district is considering movig toward this practice.

Many schools in their initial work with standards-based grading draw upon the work of Robert Marzano, in particular his book Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading.

Teacher Mike Dappolone published an article "Launching Standards-Based Grading in a Points-Based World" in an issue of Educational Leadership. In the article, he discussed moving to standards-based assessment and, along with his own classroom grading reform, sought to make this change within his school. Also in Ed Leadership, there is a summary of a chapter from the book Becoming a Better Teacher by Giselle O. Martin-Kniep: Ch 3 - Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Design.

Teacher bloggers are a great place to get some "insider" knowledge about how standards-based assessment works. The blogger at "What it's Like on the Inside" has a couple of great posts on standards-based assessments here and here. Physics teacher Kelly O'Shea has posts about SBA here. Teacher Shawn Cornally has a great post about the thinking necessary for shifts to standards-based assessment here.

What are your go-to resources for learning about standards-based assessments?


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