Friday, July 29, 2011

professional organizations: special education

Those of you special education teachers will want to take a look at the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) website and consider joining. This organization is dedicated to supporting teachers working in the field of special education. Much of the content on the website is limited to members, so joining is important for this organization. Members of NASET get some great benefits, including professional development courses, journals, newsletters, reports, handouts, and strategies. For those of you looking for jobs, they do have a career center with current job postings.

Non-members can check out the Week in Review, which lists current legislative issues, links to articles about special education or education in general. The latest issue has links to an article discussing ways iPads are helping workers with disabilities, an article about student mental health, and a study linking prenatal antidepressants to autism. Interesting stuff! Because I'm not a member, I can't evaluate the materials for members only, but I'm intrigued by the great lists of resources they offer to their members. Definitely worth checking out.

Next post: music teacher organizations


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